Wouter Turkenburg, Leiden, The Netherlands and Kurt Ellenberger, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Most jazz research follow the footsteps of research in classical music. The methods of musicology, stemming from the mid 19th century, are the dominant ones. Jazz, with improvisation and swing as main characteristics, asks for a different kind of research: applied jazz research. Research in jazz, in order to have any value, is connected with performance and education in jazz.

The IASJ, in collaboration with Grand Valley State University Libraries, will publish the IASJ Jazz Research Journal. The first issue is planned for Spring 2022.



Jeeseok Kim, Han Yang University, Korea

Jazz students from Korea can be found in many jazz institutions in Europe and Asia. In Korea and in Asia jazz education is constantly improving and offering a wide spectrum of education.


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International Association of Schools of Jazz

the world-wide network of performers, educators, and researchers in jazz

Founded by David Liebman in Germany in April 1989. Annual IASJ Jazz Meeting from 1990 on. Jazz students, teachers and heads of departments perform, teach, exchange ideas and make plans for the future.